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Web Survey Bibliography

Title Project Landmark: Distinguishing the 'Netizen' from the 'Notizen'
Year 1998
Access date 21.07.2004
Abstract The World WIde Web presents a unique and dynamic opportunity for the Marketing Research community. Marketing decisions can be made faster, with better quality data at a more reasonable cost than conventional methods.  But once you move beyond high tech products and services that have the Internet user as their population, and into more mainstream consumer packaged goods and services, is it still a viable data collection tool?  According to the latest measures, over one third of the U.S. population has accessed the WWW. Whilst the latest figures indicate that Newbies are more refelctive of mainstream America, the Internet population as a whole is still not representative of the general population on a number of demographic characteristics, including: income, education level and occupation. In addition to these demographic differences, a common perception exists that Netizens also differ in terms of their attitudes and behaviour.  This perception that Netizens' early adoption of technology has somehow impacted their general beliefs, attitudes and opinions has been largely untested. However, the implications of understanding the attitudinal and behavioural similarities or differences between the general population and those inhabiting the WWW are enormous.  Getting a better understanding of the practical application issues that will propel general acceptance of the WWW as a data collection tool, and sharing these learnings with the Research community at large, were the key motives behind Project Landmark, the key findings of which will be presented in this paper.
Year of publication1998
Bibliographic typeConferences, workshops, tutorials, presentations

Web survey bibliography - Marketing/business (336)
